Welcome to Bangla Academy Australia
Bangla Academy Australia is a community focused institution dedicated to promoting & fostering the Bangla language, culture & heritage in the hearts & minds of the budding Bangla speakers and people from a non Bangla speaking background.
Education and Community
With a continually changing program of education, there is always something new, exciting & inspiring for all age groups to experience at the Bangla Academy Australia

Quality in Higher Education
BAA organised an international education seminar in Bangladesh March 16, 2011 introduced Austraian Quality Education System also a conference at the UNSW. Inviting distinguished academic to join.

My Language My Freedom
BAA Commemorate International Mother Languge Day every year. BAA host (2011) an 'IMLD' & 'QiHE' conference; at the UNSW, Now MLMF inviting all communities, their languages, rich culture & books.

Community Language School Program
BAA running three language school at three different locations; Lakemba, Blacktown and Epping. Every week all classes are running by efficient teachers. It is a free of cost course to learn Bangla language.

Meet The Author Program
BAA invited renound distinguished Professors, artists, writers, Peots from Bangladesh and India and made cultural exchange program for our young stars.

Zainul Abedin Art Competition
Bangla Academy Austraia organised Zainul Abedin special Art competion. Shirlacharya Zainul Abedin is the founder of Bangladesh Arts Institute. Aftist from all over the world participated in this competition.